Assemble for the Stop of Torture!

Direct treatment of people who have been tortured ranges from medical treatments to individual therapy, along with the promotion of awareness of freedom from torture. A call to action is help the community to come together. Our call to action is to stop the terror of torture because our lives matter and we must stick together and fight! With just the support of the media advocating for the freedom of torture, and donations to begin promoting this awareness, we will create change.

To make a change, you can use the hashtag #FreedomfromTorture to promote awareness. Promoting this hashtag is not the only way to start making a change, you can also donate to Susan Monroe's charity, which supports freedom of torture and victims of torture.

Can Change Happen ?

This data, collected by the University of California, Irvine, corrects the false consensus on the public view on torture. Our survey shows that nearly two-thirds of Americans over- estimated the level of national support for torture. But more important, these misperceptions are not evenly distributed across the population. The more strongly an individual sup- ports torture, the larger the gap in his or her perception. Those who believe that torture is “often” justified—a mere 15% of the public—think that more than a third of the public agrees with them. The 30% who say that torture can “sometimes” be jus- tified believe that 62% of Americans do as well, and think that another 8% “often” approve of torture.

In comparison with their 2001-2009 findings, this survey reveals that in the subsequent three years support for torture has risen on average by 2.7%, whilst opposition to the practice has dropped by 3.8%. Showing that support has already began with the more support we have the more of a chance we have. Support is the key to stop the violation of our human right.

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